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EllagiCaps Ellagic Acid Supplement

180 Capsule Bottle Two or More Bottles - $40.97 Each!  

Did you know that dangerous microscopic free-radicals are bombarding your body every minute of the day, speeding up the aging process and increasing your risk of diseases? - There is a way to Fight Back!

Try EllagiCaps Now! (uh-LAJ-i-kaps) is a proprietary synergy of scientifically-researched, active nourishing compounds derived from the most powerful anti-aging whole foods on the planet. 

It's not a secret that free radical damage speeds up the aging process. Free radicals have been linked to many devastating diseases.  They damage your cells in the same way that oxygen rusts metal.  This in turn decreases your cells performance and makes you feel and look much older than you actually are! 

Everyday we absorb toxic chemicals through air, water, and food which cause free radical damage.  No wonder we have so much sickness in the world. But does it have to be that way? An article from Harvard Magazine points out, what if "the accumulation of free radical damage is the key regulator of life span?"  It makes sense then, that decreasing free radical damage by simply consuming potent whole food antioxidants may be the easiest way to feel better and look younger while extending the life of your cells!

Don't Eat A Bunch Of Synthetic Vitamins Made In A Chemical Lab!

This unique whole food supplement combines therapeutic levels of polyphenols from plants: ellagitannins (Ellagic Acid) from raspberries, pomegranates and terminalia chebula; oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPC) and resveratrol from whole grapes; catechins from green tea and a number of vitamins and minerals from spanish black radish of the brassicaceae family, to create a potent and unmatched antioxidant formula.


Just look at what our Customers are saying ...

I have been taking EllagiCaps every day just because I can. I am not fighting anything in particular; I am being preventive. I have had 4 malignant melanomas in the past; I am diligent about my care and am not willing to wait for something to happen.  I have been around a lot of people with a variety of illnesses and compromised immune systems. I have not been sick yet. I feel great…. better than I have in a very long time.

-Linda W.


Thank you for this fantastic product.  I feel my skin is much better and my mental sharpness has returned.  I know that even if I have a day where my diet is less than perfect, I am getting some protection from all the great whole foods in the EllagiCaps, thanks again!

-Morgan H.


I drive a school bus, so there are plenty of snotty noses, coughing and flu germs to go around. However in the last two years, since I have been taking the EllagiCaps I have not been sick once.

 -Inge B.


EllagiCaps Ingredients:

Pomegranate Extract, Red Raspberry Powder, Terminalia Chebula Extract, Spanish Black Radish, Green Tea Extract (Decaffeinated), Whole Grape Extract, Protease, Amylase, Bromelain, Invertase, Lipase, Cellulase, Lactase, Magnesium Stearate, Rice Flour, Vegetarian Capsule

Click Here to View Product Label

Ellagic Acid

Ellagic acid has the ability to directly inhibit the DNA binding of certain toxic chemical compounds, including nitrosamines and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), which lead to premature aging of healthy cells.  Ellagic acid has a chemoprotective effect in cellular models by reducing oxidative stress.


Featured on a groundbreaking episode of 60 Minutes and heralded by researchers at Harvard Medical School, this miracle antioxidant is said to be responsible for the "French Paradox"...why the French have fewer heart-related deaths, though they consume more saturated fats.

Green Tea

This anti-aging secret of the East has been consumed for thousands of year and shown to have powerful free radical protective effects.  Green tea is also considered a thermogenic that can boost metabolism and energy.

Spanish Black Radish

Like broccoli and kale, Spanish black radish is a member of the Brassica family and contains phytonutrient antioxidant substances like vitamin C.  Spanish black radish also increases the activity of glutathione, quinone, and thioredoxin, three enzymes involved in liver detoxification

Buy two or more bottles and save!
 1 Bottle - $47.97 each
 2 or more Bottles - $40.97 each


Price: $47.97
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41 Product Reviews - Average rating 5 / 5 (Show All)
EllagiCaps and Spring Sneezing!
- 02/15/2022
My dear husband who is a sceptic and medical conservative, was the one who informed me that those Caps stopped his spring sneezing episodes
(which the neighbors can hear, I’m sure)! He now willingly accepts them when I present them with his green smoothie. I’m sure this product does a lot more than this but I thought it was an interesting side effect!
Thank you BOE for your wonderful products!
Good supplement for everyone
- 01/18/2022
This supplement is used by my husband daily. It is excellent to maintain good testing results for a chronic condition. I feel that It helps with general inflammation and oxidation within.
They work for me
- 12/29/2021
By the end of the first bottle l had so much more energy then l have had in years. I am able to do so much more in a day now and actually feel like doing things. Can't wait to see how l feel by the end of the second bottle.
Good healthy keeps us on top
- 09/28/2021
Very good antioxidant. We use it along with blackroot capsules for keeping us going.
Totally worth it!
- 09/28/2021
Buy it! You won't be disappointed.
I’ve more energy than most for my age at 71
- 08/09/2021
I’m taking Ellagi caps to replace large doses of Vit C as I was uploading too much iron in my blood Since taking Ellagi caps to keep my immune system happy my iron levels are now normal and I have more energy than most 71 year old woman I know I have been taking Ellagi caps now for 2 years and will continue to do so cheers Dee